Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dark Foggy Day Has Pretty Spots

In December we got a package from
my sister and brother-in-law.
I asked the UPS driver if he was
sure he was on the right side of our road.

The paperwhites are blooming, now.

Even though the day was so dark with clouds and fog that
we needed to use lights,
the evening turned this beautiful blue
and my camera actually captured it! :)


  1. Beautiful in both aspects.....blessings friend

    1. Thank you, and blessings to you, Shelley. :)

  2. Wow! How unique and beautiful! Oh I've been looking for paperwhites! We had some last year but this year they weren't to be found! Only amarylis. I have roses but its been 23 and under 70s here lately. Things got kind of gloomy there. I broke down and bought a plant with rich green leaves and red flowers, and it did the trick for something inside. I love flowers, and I'm so happy you also have some to enjoy!:)

    1. My sister ordered these online in November, I think.
      Dad got amaryllis. Another sister got tulips. I'm glad you have your little indoor "garden." :)
