Monday, January 13, 2014

Please Pray

I had started to plan a little post last night, but got too sleepy.
I had another post developing in the murk of my mind.
It will wait.

My young cousin, who lost her sister-in-law on 
Christmas Day has a birthday, today.
Her grandfather died very suddenly, this morning.
(He was my uncle.)
She is expecting a baby in March.

Please pray for her.
Please pray for her father and aunt as they
travel to help their mother.

I know they are being held closely by
our dear heavenly Father.

I have experienced the miraculous 
peace and strength which holds
us up when we lose a parent.

I trust God and know He loves them far more than I do.

Let your loved ones know they are loved an extra bit,
 today. :)


  1. So sorry...sent up a prayer , God is able indeed.....blessings

    1. Thank you, Shelley. I knew you would pray. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Christina. I knew you would pray, too.

  3. Sending prayers for each of them.. May God bless each one.

  4. My condolences to all of you. I'm praying you will all find the strength to get through this.

    1. Thank you, Caroline. I find myself hurting more for my aunt and cousins than myself. My father and uncle were always buddies. Since my mother died, this uncle and aunt have been especially kind to my father. He will be sorely missed, but our Father will see us through.
