Thursday, December 19, 2013

G-Scale? No Sale!

My father has been interested in
trains, I'd guess, for his whole life.

After we said goodbye to my sister,
we went to see a set up my cousin
had told Dad about, at the Maine Mall.

We were part way there, anyway.

That's Dad, in red, on the left.

They had all kinds of scenarios set up.

There was outdoor Christmas tree

a waterfall with so much to look at
arranged around it

and even a lumber operation.
(very Maine)

My Dad spent most of his time
looking over a small (real)
electric car that was on display.

The trains were G-scale.
Dad likes HO scale.
He was not very interested
in G-scale.

Our subsequent visit to
a Goodwill store that is
normally out of our range
did a lot more for Dad.

Oh, well.  I loved it! :)


  1. The boys enjoyed that very much and it kept them occupied while Grammie got the Starbucks for us ; )
