Saturday, November 2, 2013

Plastic Frames in Progress

I enjoyed my 
so much that I wanted to keep going.
Now, here's a pair of plastic frames
that would not have earned a
second glance from me.
I don't care for the images.
I don't care for the color of the frames,
though they are better than the shiny one.

& ready to paint

Maybe not the best way to
set these up for spray painting...

...because of the uneven application
of the paint.

I tried to show
how bad it looked after it dried.

I cut some twigs and elevated
the frames.
That worked a little better.

Not perfect, but I like them.

Possibilities include old lace,

a subtly colored pattern

or my naive flowers.
These will not hang where I meant to put them.
I misjudged the space.
Well, anyway, I had fun. 


  1. I think they turned out great with your flowers in them. Thats my kind of crafting :) Blessings

    1. Hey, thanks! It was a lot of fun and a bit addicting. :)

  2. Love the flowers! So bold and pretty!

  3. Oooh! I love them. The black background is terrific with the grey. Great job!
