Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Little Giving of Thanks, November Sixth

As was crafting some little stars, today,
I thought of how thankful I am for stars.

No, not my little crafted stars, but the
real ones and what they represent
to me.

Stars often seem dim and insignificant,
though very pretty.
The stars that accompanied me
on my short walks around the
sanctuary building when I was
in Bible school looked closer
and interested me.
When I could not see them,
their light often softened
the cloudy dark.

Of course we know that stars are
not dim.  Their light is so strong
that it reaches us from far away.

Perhaps, sometimes,
God's plan seems dim.
We can not see it fully because
of the thoughts that cloud
our own atmosphere.

The plan is still in place.
Our Father is still in control.

These things are true
whether we see them
or not.

I'm giving thanks
that we can know this.


  1. What pretty stars you made... God is awsome. He supplies us with the stars and everything we need and More.. How awsome.

    1. I agree, Judy. Words did not flow (nor did anything else) easily today, for me. Nonetheless, God is still awesome. :)
