Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Have you experienced days when
it is easy to praise?
Songs rise to your lips and smiles
are in your eyes on those days.
God is good and thankfulness
just oozes from your pores
all day long.

Well, yesterday was not one of
those days, for me.

I had a little problem
with dizziness.

I had plans to take my
elderly father to town
and pick up a thing or two
at the grocery store,
but he called and cancelled.

My son had the car all day.

I had planned to take Dad
to town after he got back
from his other thing.
I called him.
He was busy with
something else.

I had planned to get
some stuff sorted,
do up the dishes
and feel like
I had a handle on things.

I took a shower
and went to bed
because I felt so weird.

Guess it was a good thing
I didn't go to town!

Uncle Si came home and,
after spending some time
with the car he drives,
came in to tell me
it wasn't safe to drive.
He is using "my"
car, today.

I started to feel better,
so I heated up a can of
soup for him and a can of
beans for me.

My son came home
from a long day
and was vocally
disconcerted by the
news about the cars --
very vocally and for
a long time.

He needed to vent.

I wanted to rest.

I had thought of a blog
post I wanted to do,
but when I went to bed
in the afternoon I
knew I would not
get it done.

Then I thought of this image.

I waited until this morning
to make it.

It's something I have
been learning
all of my life.

You have heard,
"God is good
all the time."

Well, it's true.

If you notice,
I had many blessings

My son and husband
both came home.

How many people
wish they could say that?

I had a shower,
a bed to rest in.

I am richer than
a great many people.

Then there is the adversity.

Do you ever thank God
for problems?

I forget to do so,
but when I do it is eye opening.

Thank You, God, for the car
problems -- just when
we thought we had the cars
almost caught up.

I don't know what You are
doing with and for us,
but I know it is good.

Thank You, Father,
for upsetting my plans.

I know Your plan is better.

Thank You, my Creator,
even for the sickness
that I probably brought
upon myself.

There is no time quite
like those spent
quietly in bed for remembering

Psalm 150

King James Version (KJV)
Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.


  1. Yes. I am learning this one. Today I was supposed to have a date with my husband. We spent the night with one of our sons cleaning up vomit from a flu bug. No date until later. I'm glad I have a son. I'm gladfor more one on one time with him. Praising Him with you today.

    1. Go, Christina! I think this one takes a lot of learning. Oh, well. :)

  2. Thank you for this post.. I do forget that God is awsome and is in control, even when I forget that He is showering His wonderful blessings on me.

    1. Amen, SBM, amen! :)
      Thank you for your encouragement.
