Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Little Thrifting Thrill

I am amazed at what I find
in thrift stores, sometimes.

I had just been thinking I would
like a T-square.  I learned to
use one in high school.  Every
once in a while, I really want one.
Lo!  and Behold!
Well used but still solid
and not nicked!  Well! 

I also picked up two doll making books.
I had passed them up, but this time they were
half price.  That put the one on the left at
ninety cents, plus tax, with my discount card.

I think I should have resisted
this doll, as I am trying to
cull mine out.
Another 90 cents plus tax.

Two mismatched shower curtain
liners, same price as the doll.
My son laughed, when he saw
them and volunteered a theory
as to why I would use two different
colors.  They won't show,
behind my blue checked curtain
and I didn't think I could beat
the price. :)


  1. I love the books you found. I have the one on the right and I've been looking for the one on the left. The doll is, I think, a modern Holly Hobbie doll. Don't you just love thrift store shopping? Or should we call it Treasure Hunting?

    1. Linda, I think calling it "Treasure Hunting" is a good idea. I think that is what my cousin calls it when she goes digging in the river banks. :)
