Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mini Blanket?

I wanted to weave another
This is rather generous
as a swatch.
Perhaps it is a
tiny blanket?
The "loom" is strung.
I used the clean lid of
a pizza box.
I cut slits 1/4 inch apart
on opposite sides.
Then, using a yarn
with which
I have been dissatisfied,
I warped my loom.

I used a large tapestry needle
to weave at the first and
at the end as I wanted to
get as close to the looped
ends as I could.
I could show,
step by step how I weave
on cardboard.
Others have done that.
Mine differs very little
from what they do.

Almost done.

Beginning to remove the piece from
my humble loom.
The yarn stretches enough
so it pulls loosely
back into my fabric.

I tied the end of my weft
to the warp

and finished removing it from
the cardboard.

Using my Fiskars mat as a reference

I took "before" pictures.

Then I washed it in my washer.
I used a zippered cloth bag
to keep the fibers that came loose
from clogging up my washer
and dryer.
Here is the result.

And once more, against my
"loom," which is re-warped
with a weft barely begun.

Another "reference" shot.

I washed it, again.  I am pleased with
the feel but the crooked sides are a
bit of a puzzle.
Now, I'm trying a single color
to see if it will come out
straight enough for an
abutted seam to be used
to sew the pieces together.


  1. Oh I think it is sooo Beautiful, having visited the Navaho I have always been fascinated by weavings, and your little blanket could be wonderful for a dol, or a doll living room, or over a chair, or on the wall warming a space and making it cozy and beautiful - This is really so Very Beautiful! I dont see the edges as uneven, just a handmade touch that adds even more character - its just Lovely <3

    1. Thank you, Tiggy. :) I kinda like it, myself.
      I think those are good suggestions. Just looking for
      practical ways to use my work, too.
