Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Floral Philosophy

It would be a mistake,
having once gazed upon
a daylily,
to believe that one had seen
that flower and comprehended it.

As the eye is caught from another
angle, more is seen,
knowledge increases.

Beyond the showiest petals,
the quieter beauty of
the plant emerges
to add wonder to wonder.

So intricate, so complex yet
seeming simple,
the more we strive to
the greater our awe.

If it is so of a single plant,
how much more so
of a soul.


  1. Beautifully written and well said! Love your sentiments and agree that there is boundless great in all creation - "so complex yet seeming simple"! You made me feel pretty inside today - to know that a soul is even more then a flower in it's beauty : )

    1. For some reason, you echoing back my thoughts made them even more meaningful. You are so special to me, beautiful Eva Girl.
