Monday, March 11, 2013

So, I Bought a Book...

even though I am supposed
to be saving money like mad.

I am a fan of Mary Engelbreit's art.

Isn't this just charming?

Look at this cottage!

When it comes to "getting the look,"

I'm not so sure.
How do you decide what your "style" is?
I'm getting up there and I still don't know.
I like so many things.
I dislike so many that I would think
it would be easy to eliminate what I don't like
and then... but it still leaves too
broad a spectrum of lovely,
cute, quirky and perfect things.


  1. I really like ME too! The problem with me is that I like too many different things! LOL!

    1. Goodness! I thought I replied to this! That appears to be my problem, as well. :)
